Publication design that visualizes Vietnamese Bolero music genre. Aimed toward reviving this dying music genre—through connecting new generations of Vietnamese and promoting to a new wider audience of music lover. 'Volero' is a cultural music publication that focuses on the Vietnamese Bolero music genre that was popular in the midst of the Vietnam war, especially prior 1975. 
 August-December 2022
Typography III
Concept Exploration + Moodboard​​​​​​​
Research on possible topic and concept, copywriting the articles
Wordmark Design​​​​​​​
Ideated and iterated multiple wordmark concepts​​​​​​​

The word mark puts focus on the rhythmic and elegant aspects of the publication and the topic. My approach here is to play with 
the flow of the baseline of the letterforms and incorporate Vietnamese language scripts and punctuation in the word mark. 
Visual System Development​​​​​​​
Ideated and iterated multiple concepts before pursuing final direction​​​​​​​
I wanted to put emphasis on the connection and nostalgia of bolero music in our culture so I was playing with the placement of the headline, connecting type by using alignments and grouping. As a reflection of our nation flag and a call back to the most prominent sub-genres in Vietnamese bore music (the golden music "nhac vang" and the crimson music "nhac do") I chose a muted tone of red and yellow as the main color accents for the publication. ​​​​​​​

Ideated and iterated multiple concepts before pursuing final direction​​​​​​​
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